
A journal of my collecting, painting and the games I play with my growing Warmaster Ancients Dacian Army in 10mm minatures

Location: Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Well two posts in one day, a good output helped by the discovery of using Picasa for the photos which has an auto blog function and is easy as pie.

Here are the falxmen, the elites of the army with 4 attacks per stand. Unfortuantly they have no save so they will need support against the Romans, or a flank.

Also we have another picture of the chieftain I got.
Warroirs next so hopefully you'll see them soon.
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Well here is the cheiftain, at last some command for my fledgling army. Next up will be the falxmen. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sorry for the delay

Well it's been a mighty six weeks since my last post so to bring you all up to speed.

I've done very little, for what ever reason my output of painting dropped to almost nothing over the last 6 weeks, not sure why. Well i've decided to start catching up and last night I finished painting the falxmen and the cheiftain, hurrah! They are in the middle of being based at the moment and will have a few pictures, taken with my new mini tripod for better stability, up tonight once the basing is done.

Next up will be a couple of units of warriors before I start on some of the rholoxani heavy cavalry.

Well till tonight, TTFN