
A journal of my collecting, painting and the games I play with my growing Warmaster Ancients Dacian Army in 10mm minatures

Location: Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The army so far

Sorry it's been so long since my last post but, as i'm sure it's the same with you all, life throws up plent of other thing to do other than paint models.

I've completed another warrior unit, exactly the same as the first. So instead of showing you more pictures of the same i've taken some of all the units i've got done to date arrayed in a battle formation. I hope you like them.

Next up is a unit of Falxmen, these are the elites of the army so i'll spend a little more time on them. I'm also painting up my first leader, a cheiftain, i'm just using three command models for it as he's the lowest level leader in the army with a rubbish command value of 7. He'll be used to move the infantry warband brigades around because the +1 bonus to command rolls associated with brigaded warbands might actually give him a chance to order them around.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Forward my bold warriors

Well the first of the 8 units of warriors is done, i'm getting much quicker at them now.

The warrior units have got standards, dracos, in them and I debated whether to put them in the front rank or second. I settled on the second in the end as being in the front rank would both displace a lowered spearman, which comprised most of the figures, and make it easy for the enemy to steal it. The unit also has a few ancient Spanish scrutari into break up the second rank models, which are unipose. Nothing like a bit of varitation.

Well here they are; sorry the pictures are a bit rubbish, the light was bad.

Next on with more warriors.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

On my command let fly

Well i've finished off the archer units now. They were done in the same way as the first unit. Now that is a big block of Archers!

I've now run out of old warmaster bases so I ordered some 1.5mm black plastikard from Slaters to cut my own. GW wanted 60p for three bases where abouts from slaters enough card to make 88 bases for £1.50. Just have to cut it up to size.

Next up are two units of warriors followed by a unit of Falxmen then back to the warriors for another two units. This is just to break up the painting of the same thing over and over.

On to the warriors; should be up over the weekend.